Player Registration Check-in.

Make sure your team is registered before starting the individual player check-in process.

To participate in Support Brahs 3x3 Streetball. You will need to register individually. Please ensure you read the terms & conditions carefully.


Your health and safety is important to us. lululemon continually monitors developing local public health and safety recommendations and requirements to determine the appropriate safety protocols for the Activities (defined below).

I acknowledge and agree that: (a) COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease and there is an inherent risk of exposure to or infection by COVID-19 by my participation in the Activity which may involve direct and indirect contact with others. (b) No health and safety policies, precautions or protocols which may be implemented for the Activities can eliminate all risks of exposure to or infection by COVID-19. (c) Exposure to COVID-19 can result in subsequent quarantine, illness, disability, other short-term and long-term physical and/or mental health effects, and/or death, regardless of age or health condition at the time of exposure and/or infection. (d) Local public health authorities recommend and/or require preventative measures which may including wearing face masks and social distancing. (e) I shall comply with all guidelines detailed in the relevant event communications, on the event website (if applicable), and/or shared at the event through signs and other means, as well as any government guidelines and recommendations applicable to my participation in the Activity at that time which may include COVID-19 vaccination mandates, social distancing, and face masking requirements/mandates. (f) lululemon cannot guarantee that I will not be exposed to or become infected with COVID-19.

I attest that: 1. If and where required by any government direction or regulation, I am vaccinated against COVID-19 as of the date of the Activity. 2. If I am experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 such as, but not limited to, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell within fourteen (14) days prior to the Activity start, I will not attend the Activity. 3. If I believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the COVID-19 within fourteen (14) days prior to the Event start date, I will not attend the Activity. 4. I will not attend the Activity if (i) I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the fourteen (14) days prior to the Activity, or (ii) if I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to that period, such diagnosis was at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the Activity start date. 5. I am not required to self-isolate under any applicable government direction or regulation. 6. I will comply with all applicable government directions or regulations when attending the Activity.

Further: 7. In consideration of joining in the event referred to above (the “Activity”), I agree and acknowledge that I am fully aware that participation in the Activity may involve risks. 8. “Claims” includes but is not limited to any and all liabilities, claims, demands, legal actions or rights of actions for damages, financial or economic loss, or other relief, or loss or damage to or loss of your property incurred or suffered by you directly or indirectly as a result, in whole or in part from your participation in the Activity. 9. “Released Party” means lululemon athletica australia Pty Ltd/lululemon athletica new zealand Ltd, and all of its parent and group companies affiliates, franchisees and their respective assignees, representatives, directors, officers, agents, sub- contractors, employees and volunteer staff. 10. I agree and acknowledge that: (a) the Activity may be physically strenuous; (b) I am in proper physical condition to participate in the Activity; (c) I am aware that participation could, in some circumstances, result in physical injury, serious physical injury or death; and (d) I understand my physical limitations and am sufficiently aware of those limitations to stop physical activity before I become ill or injured and will do so. 11. Waiver and Limitation of Liability To the greatest extent permitted by the applicable law and subject to your statutory rights under the Australian Consumer Law / New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act:- a. for myself and for my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns, I fully release, waive and forever discharge any Claims, I may have now or at any other time have or have had, against any Released Party and I agree, by accepting the inherent dangers and risks associated with the Activity, not to make any Claim against or seek any compensation or other relief from any Released Party in respect of any physical or mental injury, illness or death suffered by me or damage to or loss of property I sustain as a result of my attendance at or participation in the Activity; b. I agree to hold harmless each Released Party from any loss or liability (including any reasonable legal fees they may incur) defending any Claim; c. I acknowledge and agree that no Released Party shall be liable for any personal injury, illness or death, unless caused by the gross negligence or wrongful act of that Released Party.

12. Medical disclosure a. I agree and acknowledge that my health and fitness (including those relating to COVID-19) needs to be appropriate for this Activity and that the Released Parties recommends: (a) I should seek medical advice if I am uncertain; and (b) I should not take part in the Activity against that advice. b. The Released Parties reserve the right to refuse any participant the right to commence or require the participant to cease participation in the Activity should they believe it necessary on medical grounds. c. I acknowledge and agree that if I falsely provide any of the acknowledgements given in clause 4 or otherwise fail to disclose to any Released Party any matters relevant to my participation in the Activity, and if the Reserved Parties would have not permitted me to undertake the Activity, or continue participation, had I made a full disclosure, the Reserved Parties will not be liable for any personal injury, death or property damage or loss I incur. Further, I may be liable to indemnify the Reserved Parties from any loss, damage or claim. Nothing in the clause excludes or limits a Released Party's liability for death or personal injury which arises as a result of such Released Party's negligence. 13. I am aware that there is no obligation for any person to provide me with medical care during the Activity. I understand and acknowledge that: (a) there may be no medical care available during the Activity; and (b) if medical care is rendered to me, I consent to that care if I am unable to give my consent for any reason at the time the care is rendered. 14. If you are less than 18 years of age, you must obtain your parent's or guardian's approval to participate in the Activity and your parent or guardian must sign this form on your behalf. Where this clause 14 applies, the parent or guardian agrees to the following statements: (a) As a parent or guardian of the participant child, I authorise the child to participate. (b) I have the authority to agree to, and agree to, the terms of this Release and Waiver on behalf of the participant child and in the event the participant child, or anyone acting on his or her behalf, should make any claim, I will hold the Release Party harmless as described in clause 11b. (c) In the event of a medical emergency involving the participant child and any Released Party is unable to contact me, I agree and grant my permission that any Released Party may provide medical care to the participant child. 15. If any provision, or part of a provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision is severed from this agreement to the extent that it is unlawful, void or unenforceable. The validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions is not affected. 16. I have fully read and understand this agreement. I am aware that by signing this agreement, I am waiving certain legal rights I or my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns may have against the Released Party. 17. Use of Images a. I grant my permission to the Released Party, to record my image, voice, likeness and/or name or any part of them ("Image(s)") in any photographs, motion pictures, videotapes, recordings and other references or records of the Activity and to use my Image for any purpose, including commercial use by the Released Party, their sponsors and their licensees. The Released Party may also authorise third parties to exercise these rights on their behalf. This permission is for use anywhere in the world and on the internet and for an unlimited period of time. b. I understand and agree that I will not be compensated or receive additional consideration for consenting to the use of my Image and that I will not be given a chance to receive, inspect or approve the promotional or marketing material, messages and/or content that may use my Image. c. I hereby release the Released Party including, without limitation, all persons who took or otherwise created, recorded or modified my Image, from any and all claims, actions, damages, interest, costs, expense and compensation of whatsoever kind and howsoever arising, whether known or unknown, and which I now have or at any time hereafter can, shall or may have in connection with, or in any way resulting or arising from, my Image and the creation, use or disposition of them. d. I irrevocably assign to the Released Party, and to any persons who are authorised by the Released Party, any rights I might have in photographs, motion pictures, videotapes, recordings, or any form of marketing or promotions that use my Image. I have no claims, moral rights or other rights in connection with the use of my Image, and consent to all acts or omissions (whether occurring before or after this consent is given) which would otherwise infringe any such moral rights.

18. Privacy Collection Statement and Declaration a. [lululemon athletica australia Pty Ltd/lululemon athletica new zealand Ltd] collects the below personal information in order to provide the Activity to you. If you do not provide all the information requested, [lululemon athletica australia Pty Ltd/lululemon athletica new zealand Ltd] may be unable to allow you to participate in the Activity. b. [lululemon athletica australia Pty Ltd/lululemon athletica new zealand Ltd] may disclose your personal information to other Released Parties, anyone it engages to do something on its behalf such as a service provider, and other organisations that assist lululemon [lululemon athletica australia Pty Ltd/lululemon athletica new zealand Ltd] with its business. c. In any event, lululemon athletica Australia Pty Ltd will handle and use your information in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Copies of this policy are available at: [ OR] d. You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information supplied and in particular the supply of personal information to us. By signing below you are agreeing to the use of your personal information as described in this notice. Where clause 8 applies, the participant child's parent or guardian responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided and agrees, on behalf of the participant child, to the use of the participant child's personal information.

Consent for Processing Personal Data and Disclosure of Images Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Data [lululemon athletica australia Pty Ltd/lululemon athletica new zealand Ltd] (the “lululemon”) will collect your name, address, health and vaccination status, date of birth, nickname, image, likeness, endorsement, signature, initials, photograph or any facsimile thereof, or the Images (together “Personal Data”) for the purposes of operating the Activity/Event. The collected personal data will be retained and used for one (1) year after the end of the Activity/Event (whichever is later). You may refuse the collection and/or use of the personal information as above, in which case, however, you may not enter into the Activity/Event. Consent to Disclosure of Personal Data via media lululemon may disclose your Personal Data (except health and vaccination status) collected as above to the public through all media, including media platforms operated by lululemon, for marketing and advertising purposes during the term of this Agreement. You may refuse to grant consent for the disclosure of your Personal Data. In such case, however, you may not enter into the Activity/Event.

I have carefully reviewed and fully understand the above, and I voluntarily provide my explicit consent below. □ I agree to the collection and use of Personal Data □ I agree to the disclosure of Personal Data.
The Participant accepts and agrees to the terms and provisions contained in this agreement and agree to your data being used in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
IF PARTICIPANT IS UNDER 18: I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child named above. I confirm that I have read and understand the above consent and release and that I agree (on behalf of my child) to be bound by each of the above conditions.